Ethereal preferences

There are a number of preferences you can set from one place. Simply select the Preferences... menu item from the Edit menu, and Ethereal will pop up the Preferences dialog box as shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29. The Ethereal Preferences dialog box

The Ethereal Preferences dialog box is a tabbed dialog box that allows you to set preferences for each of the following elements:


This tab allows you to define the default printing command that Ethereal will use as well as the default output file name when you print to a file. These are discussed in more detail in the Section called Printing packets


This tab allows you to select which columns appear in the Packet List Pane.

TCP Streams

This tab allows you to change the foreground and background colors used by the Follow TCP Stream described in the Section called The Ethereal Tools menu.


This tab allows you to configure various characteristics of the GUI.

Other tabs

The remaining tabs allow you to configure various preferences for the dissection of various network protocols.